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Equality and Diversity Policy

Commitment Statement


The Real Consultancy Company Limited (TRCC) is committed to ensuring that the principles of equality and diversity are reflected throughout the end point assessment process including our assessment instruments, guidance materials and apprentice tool kits.  This policy sets out those commitments and how we meet them.  TRCC is committed to ensuring that diversity and inclusion are embedded into everything we do. We encourage a work environment that is inclusive and diverse.


Policy Statement


All apprentices will have equal opportunity to access end point assessments and our related products and services.  TRCC end point assessments include a diverse range of voices and contributions that ensures assessments reflect the experience of the apprentice it serves, and that our end point assessments are awarded in a way that is fair to every apprentice.


We are committed to:


  • Ensuring our end point assessments are accessible to, and representative of, the apprentices taking the assessments.

  • Ensuring our end point assessments and related materials are of the appropriate rigour.

  • Ensuring the design of our end point assessments reflects the progression of aptitudes and abilities so that they do not place a cap on apprentices’ aspirations.

  • Developing end point assessments that refer to the grading criteria to meet the requirements of the end point assessment plan.

  • Ensuring the accessibility of the end point assessments that we provide.

  • Ensuring equality of opportunity for apprentices to access our assessment materials.

  • Ensuring fairness in our application of access arrangements. 


In practice this means that:​


  • Apprentices who declare a protected characteristic, when they are undertaking one of our end point assessments, are neither advantaged nor disadvantaged in comparison to apprentices who do not share that characteristic.

  • All apprentices achieve the recognition they deserve from undertaking an end point assessment and that this achievement can be fairly compared to the achievement of their peers.

  • Where not restricted by government determined conditions, the end point assessment is designed to reflect the diversity of the apprentice.


By doing this we intend to fulfil our requirements under the Equality Act 2010 and any other relevant equalities legislation, including our duties to:​


  • Take reasonable steps to avoid a disadvantage to a disabled person caused by a provision, criterion or practice (Equality Act 2010 Ch2 20(3)).

  • Take reasonable steps to avoid a disadvantage to a disabled person caused by a physical feature (Equality Act 2010 Ch2 20(4)).

  • Take reasonable steps to avoid a disadvantage to a disabled person by providing or allowing for an auxiliary aid (Equality Act 2010 Ch2 20(5)).


The Governing Board will achieve this by:


  • Monitoring and reviewing of equality and diversity throughout the process of developing qualifications and related products and services.

  • Considering a request relating to access to our end point assessments that we receive, except where acceptance of the request is not logistically possible or where acceptance would undermine the criteria for the assessment.

  • Examining and monitoring data relating to apprentice achievement to detect and mitigate accidental bias.

  • Striving to improve the accessibility of customer-facing IT systems or introduce new systems.

  • Fulfilling our obligation to meet the access arrangements requested for our apprentices in a way that does not disadvantage either them or their peers.

  • Supporting employers and providers to fulfil their equality and diversity responsibilities by:

  • Reviewing whether assessment processes are being carried out in a fair and objective manner.

  • Adhering to equal opportunities legislation.

  • Including a diversity and equality policy as a requirement of the provider agreement and the employer service level agreement.

  • Having an effective and inclusive appeals procedure.

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